Introduce yourself 1s

one child – two children
give me some information about your life
I was born on the 20th of April in 1993
My father works he/she/it + S
my familiy has = he/she/it + has ….they haveit hasthings vs. sings … those things – she sings beautifully
funny –komisch/blöd …. We had a lot of fun
by is not bei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the future I want to work in the field of agriculture (im Bereich)I come from Liezen.
to have much work to do
one calf – two calves
bad – worse – worstbefore
he is a sweet girl/boy
chicken farm
we have approx. 30 000 chicken (approximately)
then – dann/ than – als …bigger thanfavourite
that´swe haven´t got a farm – we don´t have a farmwhich
holiday –in my holidays
we have 5 sheepI´m interested in skiing -skiing is interestingThe whole time (ganze Zeit) – there is a hole in the wall (Loch)
Raumberg, Vienna,...
under the bridge – during the week
local – here / BUT: do go to a pub, inn or restaurant

1a Task: Introduce yourself

to visit your grandma BUT: you attend school/ go to school, to go to the cinema,
to take lessons on horse riding
to be good at playing the piano,
NO comma before that!!!
1 cattle – 30 cattle neighbouring village - Nachbarort It is fun – es ist lustig/es macht Spaß But: it is funny (komisch, blöd) to learn skiing, to learn for life BUT: to study for a test
in my town there live about 15000 people
to help my father with the farm work
listen to music, listen to the radio,
to have blond hair!! gym/ gymnasium = Turnsaal those friends of mine Upper Austria, West Styria
to drive (selber fahren) your car BUT: to go by bus! marks: Schulnoten BUT: notes: Noten (Musik) by in NOT: bei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help somebody with doing something we meet in a café…sich treffen! hobby - hobbies (b, p,k,t,...) BUT: boy - boys (a,e,I,o,u) my favourite subject at school is mathematics (maths)
to work at a chemist’s/ pharmacy (in einer Apotheke arbeiten)
I come from Austria
she is the youngest of us
to choose BUT: it was the right choice/decision
one calf – two calves, this is quite ok – the street is quiet (ruhig)!!!!
to take the “Matura”, to do an exam, to take an exam,
to have much fun, party – parties – to have much fun at parties (by is NOT: bei) Sturm Graz is the best team in the world / on earth
before in June, in September, on Wednesday, in winter, in summer,
aunt: Tante BUT: ant: Ameise to play a musical instrument quite well
to have a lot of work (=plural) BUT: works of art (Kunstwerke) I have been playing tennis since 6 years (seit) …………………………...for 6 years (6 Jahre lang) one sheep – two sheep one fish – two fish get – bekommen/ become – werden
to be good at football/ playing tennis
at 14, at the age of 14, she is 14 years old, she is a 14 year old girl
people (Leute) BUT: peoples (Völker) this thing – these things