
Please make meaningful paragraphs – Links and conjunctions

Stick to the same Tense!!!

Redewendungen nicht wörtlich übersetzen!!!!

KISS – keep it short and simple!!!

Don´t write the word:  thing – there are better words – be more specific!

to see a UFO – it´s the pronunciation which is important: ju!
But an apple – a boy
The American people

to lose – it is loose (nicht angebunden, lose)
this boy/these boys
that boy/ those boys(weiter weg)
these young persons (formal/register!!!)– these young people (better)
at the age of 16, at 16
I want to tell you something about drugs.
Don´t write: how shit drugs are (register!!!!) how dangerous !!!!


I sometimes want to drink a good pint of beer slowly, with my friends, near the river, on weekends 
He plays basketball very well =aSaPOa

Your driving ability can be affected - the effect is that 

He – persons  - his/her
It – things/devices/animals  its
Every dog has its day!!!!

To prevent somebody from doing something
To prevent young people from dinking and taking drugs

First, there are many…
First, I´ll tell you something about…
Consequently, I want to mention that….

Brave – tapfer!!!
They have less protection…they are less protected

Wörter im Englischen immer auseinander schreiben!!!!
reaction time, road accidents

my personal opinion
die Jugend = young people
…the movie touches especially young people…
…you have to tell them about the consequences of taking drugs…
…you forget about your problems.

We have too much to do!

His dead body – he is dead – death is cruel
I will talk about my personal opinion about this topic.

they are drunk – a drunken party
the children are drunk - the boy is drunk
they are drunk -
teach – taught - taught
Catholic private school
it is worth watching
cigarette – cigarettes
the consequences – to follow somebody
to seach for information on the internet