And again! :)

Please make meaningful paragraphs and use linking words!
Diction: genaue/passende Vokabel suchen!!!

Check: if sentences!

Gleiche Zeit bleiben!

To prevent young people from taking drugs

REGISTER: humans…very formal/scientific word Better: people

Punctuation: ,    ;    -   :

Don´t write the word: THING – there are better words/be more specific

at 16 – at the age of 16 – he is a 14 year old boy – he is 14 years old

to attend school – to visit grandma

check: adj/adverb: they were treated badly

aSaPOa (HW/ always/ ZwWOS/  WIA/ WO/ WON)

Gleiche Zeit bleiben!!!

Stricter controls
to discriminate…unterscheiden

to discriminate against somebody…jemanden diskriminieren

to be discriminated against…diskriminiert werden

Bei is NOT by

will…werden/ want…wollen/ won´t…will not

In some cities THERE are still ghettos

people who/ things which

NO Comma before THAT

to live your life…cats have 7 lives/like: knife/knives

to do something about the problem/ it

Then…dann/ Than..als

In the morning/ in the afternoon/ at night

this girl/ these people

to go by bus/ to drive the bus (lenken)

Irr. Verbs: stand …stood…stood

side (Seite) /site (Platz)/ sight (Sehenswürdigkeit)

to go – that is too expensive (ZU)

It is full BUT: beautiful/ useful/etc.

Turks/Germans/ etc. groß schreiben!

bank/ bench (Sitzbank)


Murder (Mord) Muderer (Mörder)

marks/ notes (Banknoten/ Noten Musik)

Two boys/ the boy´s girl


Their (ihr) / there (dort)