4a/ 4b Atomic Power

Dear Guardion sounds stupid!!!
Better: like Engei wrote:

To „The Guardian“
To whom it may concern

Dear Reader,

Please folks take care!!!!
People, tourists, etc….who!!!!!
For/ since…SIGNALWÖRTER = Present Perfect Tensee.g. my ancestors have been living there for centuries
Why do you want to build…
´cause…. informal HERE better: because
I am oppose something
Nuclear rays!!!! Strahlen! x-rays
Do we really need atomic power stations?
the soil is contaminated…
to produce green energy
my personal concerns (Bedenken)
They think atomic power is a green kind of energy.
Strong winds, the wind is blowing very strong(ly)
In the whole world
to plan an atomic power station: not: plane (Flugzeug)
remember the Chernobyl disaster
my personal opinion on something
babies are born with genetic defects
I always work carefully
To die from cancer/ to die of cancer/ boredom (Langeweile = English lesson) :)
Do we need atomic power
To spend money on projects which are ….
They can´t leave – there is a leaf on the tree (Blatt) :)
This plant can be built ...
There are a lot of other ways to produce electricity
To produce energy – but to win a match
I have to give you some advice!!!!!
To produce energy in a more eco-friendly wayTo run out of natural resources
Better: The government wants (+ s)
They are happy about their good lives,A huge area was contaminatedThis will cost millions of Euros,
disposal site –Müllplatz, Deponie
if the water comes in contact with,
gets contact with/to
a new atomic power station is being built (wird gerade gebaut)
risky – riskant

1a "Waiting for Godot"

Summaries of a play: Present Tense – stick to the same tense!

to live your life!!!!!

in these years
they don´t speak to each other
one man – two men
it was three years after the Second World War
life was not very good
nobody wants to live at this time
a person who doesn’t exist - a car which
he wanted to say to the people who lived after the Second World War that they should…
play….Theaterstücktheatre (the building)
in the right way
NO comma before that!!!!!
You do what you want
a person…more people…a people (ein Volk)
in the whole play Godot never comes/appears.
there also comes a man who….
at this time…
a happy ending, a sad ending
He wanted to write such a boring play
life (das Leben) –to live- cats have seven lives
every day there also comes a man who tells them…
life has no sense
opinion … Meinung

to walk along a street (entlang)
If I was Vladimir I easily could
It is not going to be better...
People should be sad about things which happened
Nobody wants to watch the play
I will do that
Want… wollen
Nobody knows who Godot really is
In my opinion…. meiner Meinung nach
In the play there always happens the same
Millions of people where killed by Hitler´s army
life situation/ living situation … Lebenssituation
we have to do something about this bad situation GEGEN=ABOUT
I would do it … ich würde es machen
I would like to do it … ich würde es gerne machen
the author/ writer wants to tell us that…
in the end … schlußendlich
in France, in Germany, German tourists,
this is typical of the theatre of the absurd/ of an absurd play
one thing – he thinks
happy ending! There is no happy ending!
Nobody knows who Godot is.
to work the whole day – there is a hole in the wall – there is a owl (Eule) on the tree
They are/ would be able to look for a job
to have a better life
to think about something
Witch – Hexe!!!
The car which ….
He was born in Dublin in 1906.
In this play there happens really nothing but after all it has much to tell.
It is interesting – I am interested in something…
There are two men who are waiting…
For example …
There will be no happy ending
You can study very well – to do things well - he is a good boy

“Waiting for Godot” is a boring play and no one really likes it very much.
free time
They don´t search for him
They are beaten every night
People – humans (formal, scientific)
I don´t understand how this play could have become so famous.