4a/ 4b Atomic Power

Dear Guardion sounds stupid!!!
Better: like Engei wrote:

To „The Guardian“
To whom it may concern

Dear Reader,

Please folks take care!!!!
People, tourists, etc….who!!!!!
For/ since…SIGNALWÖRTER = Present Perfect Tensee.g. my ancestors have been living there for centuries
Why do you want to build…
´cause…. informal HERE better: because
I am oppose something
Nuclear rays!!!! Strahlen! x-rays
Do we really need atomic power stations?
the soil is contaminated…
to produce green energy
my personal concerns (Bedenken)
They think atomic power is a green kind of energy.
Strong winds, the wind is blowing very strong(ly)
In the whole world
to plan an atomic power station: not: plane (Flugzeug)
remember the Chernobyl disaster
my personal opinion on something
babies are born with genetic defects
I always work carefully
To die from cancer/ to die of cancer/ boredom (Langeweile = English lesson) :)
Do we need atomic power
To spend money on projects which are ….
They can´t leave – there is a leaf on the tree (Blatt) :)
This plant can be built ...
There are a lot of other ways to produce electricity
To produce energy – but to win a match
I have to give you some advice!!!!!
To produce energy in a more eco-friendly wayTo run out of natural resources
Better: The government wants (+ s)
They are happy about their good lives,A huge area was contaminatedThis will cost millions of Euros,
disposal site –Müllplatz, Deponie
if the water comes in contact with,
gets contact with/to
a new atomic power station is being built (wird gerade gebaut)
risky – riskant

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