Artikel:  Überschrift Anfangsbuchstaben groß schreiben!
...big farms NOT big farmres/small farmers ....those are fat or small PEOPLE!!!!!
2 boys ...the boy´s girl
easier - do do it easily
topic, issue...theme (music, literature and film)
economic/ economical...sparsam...economy...die Wirtschaft 
economic system
to blieve in god
Austrian, German, Gemany,
in the USA and in Europe, the Europeans
a bad aspect of globalization
standard of living, living standard
Kein Komma vor THAT!!!!
Don´t write the word THING!!!!!!
Particularly, in farming there is....
advantages of/ disadvantages of
a deal between the EU and the USA
positive - negative
milk quota ...Milchquote
this farm - these farms
to/too (auch, also)
buy/by/Bye-bye love
they work very well - they make a good job

NO THE außer es ist spezifisch ...I go to school
country...Land/ state..Bundesstaat/Staat/ this is my land
to live your life - cats have 7 lives
it´s is BUT its wheels (dessen)
we get food from other countries 

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