
- agricultural school
- it is = it´s But: Every dog has its day (seinen Tag)
-Bitte bei den Wörtern genau nachschauen:
eg. Adjudication = Gerichtsurteil!!!!
- to mean something seriously … etwas ernst meinen
- during the week But: under the bridge
- Bitte mit WORD schreiben – einige Fehler werden gleich ausgebessert!
- they work togehter well (wia?)- near (to) : NOT: in the near!!!!! That’s not possible in English!
- better say students – pupils are smaller!
- good climate (outside, in the Ennstal) But: a good atmosphere at school
- free time, leisure time, spare time (Freizeit)
- so many people want to come
- you visit your grandmother but you attend/ go to school
- graduate, diploma holder … (Absolvent) ... Raumberg graduate
- the boss (chef in a restaurant kitchen) chef de la cuisine
- another reason is…
- actually (tatsächlich) ... the slogan we have at the moment
- convince somebody of doing something ( jemanden überzeugen)
- lab or laboratory But: labour means ARBEIT Labour Party/GB
- things which – a witch (HEXE) – a wish (ein Wunsch)
- practical training (Praxis)- The LFZ is very good in the field of agriculture
- for instance (zum Beispiel) … instant (sofort)

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