
- at the age of / at this age
- at this time/ period

- The meaning of life … der Sinn des Lebens
- they are very dissatisfied with their lives
- it’s another kind of literature
- in the Middle Ages the people believed very strongly in God
- before !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- a lot of reforms took place … es gab viele Reformen
- living conditions … Lebensbedingungen
- living standard / standard of living … Lebensstandard
- in those days wonderful works of art were created, e.g. great poetry
- I have a lot of homework! I do my homework
- to be afraid of something ...vor etwas Angst haben (e.g. tigers)
- to be afraid about ... um etwas Angst haben (e.g. tigers)
- the Renaissance was the rebirth of antiquity … die Wiedergeburt der Antike
... of Classical Antiquity

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