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recognize – jemanden wiedererkennen
realize – etwas kapieren
remember something – sich an etwas erinnern
many people
the picturization of Jim Carrol´s life - Verfilmung
to lose something – verlieren
loose – etwas ist lose/ locker/wackelig
bullets: Gewehrkugeln
a university: sprich ju!!!!
life: das Leben – to live
rentable – vermietbar
es ist rentabel – profitable
everyone in Austria
the USA has – the United Saates of America have
more than 50% of the American population has a gun
to have problems at school
negative – positive
for two years – 2 Jahre lang
2 years agovor 2 Jahren
They have problems at school
You visit your grandma but you go to/attend school
Civil rights – gun laws
No comma before that
drinking water - Trinkwasser

Feedback Drugs 3b

bad – worse – worst: it is a bad joke - the situation is getting worse
to be disapproving of it: etwas missbilligen/ nicht wollen
to visualize
legalize drugs
in the end schlussendlich But: a happy ending!
But not everyone thinks so/ like this.
trouble – to have trouble
in the newspaper it is written that…
there are more and more people who destroy their future
the government wants to legalize drugs
to have a serious disease – a difficult test – it is heavy to carry
Today more and more people get problems with drugs and damage their life. Better: lives!!!
The government in the US says that drugs are horrible for the humans. Better: for the people
to drive home drunk – drunk driving – But: a drunken party
more often
Some politicians want to legalize hard drugs.
Another point is that the government gets money when drugs are legalized.
To have problems at school
I think it’s your personal decision to
My personal opinion not: own!!!!
many people
to buy drugs legally WIA?
legalization of drugs
I was so shocked when I read in the text that the politicians want to legalize drugs.
To have a serious disease/ illness!
Is it only a joke or is it meant seriously?
For many people it’s not conceivable to take drugs in a legal way.
I think it isn’t a good idea to legalize drugs
some politicians want to legalize drugs
the situation gets worse and worse
it is positive – negative – there are advantages and disadvantages
peer pressure
you can get marijuana very easily, and this is a really problem.
They have many problems.
drugs should be legalized
life – to live!
pros and cons
Kids are drunk at the age of twelve
in the world
in this stadium – in diesem Stadion (football,...)
But: at this stage: in diesem Stadium
come to an end

Error File 5b 081109

headmaster … Direktor einer Schule
headquater …. Hauptquartier
director of a film … Regisseur
it is very well shown
in a brutal world – she reactds brutally
to die at a very young age
doesn´t help to do something
nobody knows the number of people who/ that …. for things: which/that
depressive, should,
get... become
The movie illustrates the fate of a young boy
withdrawal symptoms … Entzugserscheinungen
prevent sb from doing something
in a short period of time
ENGl. mobbed: angepöbelt …………….gemobbt werden: to be bullied!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to be addictive – to be addicted to drugs
opportunity – Möglichkeit
these films show us – this film shows us
The movie shows us the story of Jim Carroll’s life.
Fact is that when you are beginning with taking drugs it’s very hard to stop.
… and finally his poems are the salvation.
It’s very sad how the three boys destroy there life. Better: lives!!!
sophisticated {adj}

To play his role very well!!! WIA?The movie about Jim Carroll’s youth…
he begins doing sth. – in the beginning
to do something about the problem/it
to recognize
wieder kennen
wieder erkennen
to recognize sb.
von jdm. Notiz nehmen
to recognize that
zugeben, dass
eingestehen, dass

He is able do stop taking drugs.
how brutal it is … do things brutally
act …film…movie…story
And this could end in a vicious circle. …it could have a happy ending!
People – peoples (Völker)

Error File 2s

…the weather – the question arises if to whether = die Frage erhebt sich ob
…brand… die Marke, to brand … kennzeichnen But: to extinguish a fire
…the work is hard – the man is strong – there are strong winds in the wide Welsh valleys
…on the one hand … but on the other hand
…I … ich!!! I live near Graz
…I did my work – different kind of work
BUT: works of art (Kunstwerke; the works of .Shakespeare ,…)
…Most of the time – when the weather was fine - …. Wenn das Wetter schön war
…If the weather is fine … falls das wetter schön ist
…driver license or driver’s license or driving license
…be on my side – camping site
…I looked forward to coming back to Raumberg
…I had my knee operated on
…I had some ups and downs
… to ply the role of Jim Carrol – it is the rule ... Regel
…while …während because …weil
…to get drugs ….become pregnant (schwanger warden)
…continue … folgen, weiter lesen …. to understand it/ to get it
…life – to live
…to start taking drugs
….one child … two children to help our children
… pupil – students (older teenagers!)