Error File 2s

…the weather – the question arises if to whether = die Frage erhebt sich ob
…brand… die Marke, to brand … kennzeichnen But: to extinguish a fire
…the work is hard – the man is strong – there are strong winds in the wide Welsh valleys
…on the one hand … but on the other hand
…I … ich!!! I live near Graz
…I did my work – different kind of work
BUT: works of art (Kunstwerke; the works of .Shakespeare ,…)
…Most of the time – when the weather was fine - …. Wenn das Wetter schön war
…If the weather is fine … falls das wetter schön ist
…driver license or driver’s license or driving license
…be on my side – camping site
…I looked forward to coming back to Raumberg
…I had my knee operated on
…I had some ups and downs
… to ply the role of Jim Carrol – it is the rule ... Regel
…while …während because …weil
…to get drugs ….become pregnant (schwanger warden)
…continue … folgen, weiter lesen …. to understand it/ to get it
…life – to live
…to start taking drugs
….one child … two children to help our children
… pupil – students (older teenagers!)

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