recognize – jemanden wiedererkennen
realize – etwas kapieren
remember something – sich an etwas erinnern
many people
the picturization of Jim Carrol´s life - Verfilmung
to lose something – verlieren
loose – etwas ist lose/ locker/wackelig
bullets: Gewehrkugeln
a university: sprich ju!!!!
life: das Leben – to live
rentable – vermietbar
es ist rentabel – profitable
everyone in Austria
the USA has – the United Saates of America have
more than 50% of the American population has a gun
to have problems at school
negative – positive
for two years – 2 Jahre lang
2 years agovor 2 Jahren
They have problems at school
You visit your grandma but you go to/attend school
Civil rights – gun laws
No comma before that
drinking water - Trinkwasser

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