- the abuse of illegal/ illicit substances
- this will not work – this will not happen
- have you ever been to London (sprich a)
- have you ever thought about this
- but why do they often drink alcohol?
- The worst things
- In Europe – European Countries, in Russia – a Russian girl
- in Hungary - I´m Hungarian – Hungarian Goulash
- a hungry Hungarian eats Hungarian goulash
- …they smoke more than most Europeans
- alcohol – he is an alcoholic
- in the UK – in the USA
- already, always
- this trip can be ending/ can end in hospital
- a rush: Eile, Ansturm
- gold rush: Goldrausch, Adrenalinrausch
- Rausch: Drunkenness, jag (slang)
- to die at a very young age
- I want to do something: ich will
- I won´t = I will not do something
- I will do something = ich
werde- Keep your fingers off the drugs/off drugs
- To have problems at school
- Please, never take drugs!
- But this is only some information about this topic!
- Too much
- Many children start to smoke because…
- At this time – during this period
- Every time you drink alcohol, your brain is a little bit damaged!
- To drink two or three beers – to drink some beer
- The next topic, issue, theme (only in literature, music e.g. theme song of a film)
- ...and there a legal drugs – they make their way
- See you on Saturday, in September, in winter
- It is even more dangerous than…
- You take less drugs (weniger)
little – less – least- http://www.dict.cc/?s=prolific
- It is interesting – I am very interested in the subject/topic
- The situation gets worse and worse
- More girls than boys are smokers
- In this text we find much information about drugs
- The problem is that some drugs are socially acceptable
- The parents are to be made responsible
- It is horrible to hear this
- To consume drugs – the consumption of drugs is rising
- The sun is
rising- To raise children/ cattle – aufziehen!
- Irregular verbs: catch – caught – caught!!!! etc.
- flee – fled – fled
- fly – flew- flown
- Young people- they are young – the youth is taking drugs
- Everybody knows
- An important point is…
- One teenager – two teenagers!
- Some teenagers had been drunk
- They become alcoholics
- When you drink too much you will destroy your body!
- This is the sense/meaning of life
- You become addicted very
quickly/easily- They take drugs at a party
- Everybody does it
- The Austrian drug law is…
- Next the text explains the development in the last years.
- People are addicted to/on drugs
- The society does nothing about the problem.
- One child – two children
- To control something
- … alcohol and drugs which/that influence people
- People who
- Peer pressure –Gruppendruck, Gruppenzwang
- … I want to remind you that cannabis is dangereous
- This reminds me of something
- Smoking figures – die Zahlen der Raucher
- country, land, state
Before- In my opinion
- To help the people
- When you go out during the week…
- The reason for this is – but: to fall on the
ground- …they think about an anti-drug and alcohol policy.
- …don´t begin too early!
- …you are sad and depressive
- …if you are in a pub with your friends…
- Cigarette – cigarettes
- to learn to handle something: lernen mit etwas umzugehen
- …they drink as much as they can
- … this is a friend of mine
NO KOMMA BEFORE THAT!!!!- This fact – these facts
- …you post on this blog – on the radio – on television – on TV
- …we listen to the radiolisten to music – I like listening to music
- …it is not good for your health – you are healthy – it is unhealthy
- …your brain can be damaged
- To speak about something
- Give me (say: gimme) some
tips/ pieces of advice- …big cities – the boy’s girl – the boys´ girls
- …many young people smoke regularly
- …it´s = it is But: every dog has its day
- on the one hand…but on the other hand…
- to get weapons – to become president
- the USA is a country which
- in 1999 there happened a massacre
- try to find a way to solve the problem
- In WWII, in the Second World War
- I like fish
- …there you can eat as much as you can – all you can eat restaurants
- Today the media play a major role in our society

= latin plural: medium/media,

- to have problems at school
- technology – technological – skiing technique
really- problems in the world
- it was a dramatic day
- he is an expert in farming/ in the field of agriculture
- to give away somebody – jemanden verraten
- everyone in Austria knows…
- these people

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