And again!

to do something about it
everyone knows, everyone takes ....
knock at the door
to be horribly scared, I opended the door
at school !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in Austria there are a lot of....
cattle/ two cattle (plural)
this school - these schools !!!!!!!!!!
Americans, the Second World War, Texas, Tyrol,...
much money - many guns/people
they did nothing/ they didn´t do anything about it
to die in a car accident
in 1994
will ... werden
want ...wollen

one child - two children
in the room there was a big dog...
these people
anothertoo much
to produce -productionbad - worse - worstat school
in the lake there are
small farmer - Kleinbauer
big farms vs. big farmers (they are fat!) confusing!
to sell at a low price
in reality
it´s = it is
its = e.g. every dog has its day (dog = sächlich)
all the data (plural)
the medium/ the media are...
the police are....
the economy = die Wirtschaft
economic = sparsam, wirtschftlich
their/there = dort
to rent ... mieten
But: rent out
in the world
to learn (lernen) - to teach (lehren)
difficult- more difficult - most difficult (3 Silben!!!!)on 9/11 in 2001
to be interested in things

on TV, on the radio, on the internet, listen to music, listen to the radio
the/ they!!!!!!!!
it was fun - macht Spaßit was funny - komisch, eigenartig

NOT: people they BUT: people whoto be proud of something
technology vs. skiing technique
a solution to the problems
wake - woke - woken

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