Please don´t make these mistakes again!

then - dann
than - als
to remember a situation quite well (adverb -bezieht sich aufs VERB - WIA?)

every year there are accidents because of ....
Have you ever heard about this film?
a danger – dangerous!
life – das Leben …cats have seven lives! likes knives, wives,...
to live – leben
he lives in Austria
these withdrawal symptoms become worse and worse
this teenager – these teenagers
teenagers who – horses which
a bad witch (HEXE) - a wish (Wunsch)
to begin – at/in the beginning (anfänglich, am Anfang)
too much
to buy drugs from a drug dealer
quiet (ruhig) – quite good (recht gut)
to consume drugs – drug consumption
cigarette – cigarettes
no comma before that!!!
in the UK, in the USA, in GB
ID (Ausweis)
I hate it if someone next to me smokes a cigarette
they start smoking at eleven or twelve.
you are addicted to drugs - you become addicted to drugs
personal opinion - eigene Meinung
during the week - under the bridge
to feel - the feeling
the police are/were there
he is a politician - four policemen
he is interested in politics (allgm.) agricultural/ foreign policy
the government wants/ the government has - the USA wants -

the United States of America wantat our school
country - countries BUT: boy – boys
to look after (aufpassen) - to look at (anschauen) - to look for (suchen)
another problem
at our school
every week (jede Woche) - all week (die ganze Woche)too many people

teenagers who
one teenager – two teenagers
one beer – two beers!!!
one smoker – two smokers
cigarette –cigarettes
by the way, ….always comma!!!
after getting high
one child – two children!!!!

to be drunk!!!
we hear much about it
to consume (verb) – consumption (noun)

crisis – crises (plural) die Krise – die Krisen
to use – using
dependant on drugs
addicted to drugs
whole (ganz) – hole (Loch)
steel (Stahl) – steal (stehlen)one beer/ two beers:
to have a poor taste in beers – keine Ahnung von Bier haben!

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