Atomic weapons

You can say "Gesundheit" AE or "Bless you" ... say: "blescha"
- give away – verraten, preisgeben, etwas weggeben – to give away a secret
- another problem is the dumping of nuclear waste
- to conduct war – Krieg führen
- America
- strategy
- many countries in the world But: on earth
- the Second World War

If you eat a lot you will be/grow strong.
If you ate a lot you would be/grow strong.
If you had eaten a lot you would have been/grown strong.

- to remember Hiroshima
- to remember to do something
- this reminds me of something … das erinnert mich an…
- please remind me of doing sth... bitte erinnere mich etwas zu tun
- I can remember the situation quite well...

- a safe future (sicher) – to save (sparen) money
- life- to live !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- the USA wants – the United States of America want
- to control everything
- Everybody knows what happened at/in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- We all are living in a world of violence, racism and war.
- People will die again and it will be an ongoing cycle which never ends.
Better: vicious circle (Teufelskreis) – das richtige Wort suchen!
- In this speech he also said seriously that he wants to have a world without atomic weapons
- advice – no plural – to advise
- on the one hand … but on the other hand
- lose – verlieren … loose lose, nicht befestigt – a loose tooth!/teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Of course, Obama is a respectful and winsome man.
- to feel/ to have sympathy for someone – Mitleid, Mitgefühl ,
to have the deepest sympathy (Beileid)
- sympathetic - mitfühlen
- winsome = charming = nice ,… er ist sympathisch!

- it follows that…daraus folgt But: consequences (die Folgen)
- it’s … it is But: its. Every do has its day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- However, blblblblblb.......Naturally, blablabla….
- a bottle bursts (brechen) –But: War/ a disease breaks out! The 0utbreak!.. Ausbruch


Conspiracy theories

… but on the moon there is no wind
…in Austria there are also some conspiracy theories
…you go through a dark wood BUT: throw –threw –thrown (werfen)
…more than one man shot at him
…then they took the chance and attacked Afghanistan
…they can find something bad about you
…to come to the public … (öffentlich werden)
…to fly to the moon
…Mr. Kalss decided to bother us with this task (behelligen)
to catch – caught – caught ---- to be caught…a theory – those theories --- a conspiracy theory – conspiracy theories
…but there are a lot of other conspiracy theories for example about 9/11
…the question arise why they did nothing about it – why they didn’t do anything about it
…there are so many theories
on the internet
…very strange, isn´t it! Not: or?
…Rudolf Hess went Not: moved (umziehen)
…America just needed a reason to start a war in Afghanistan and Iraq
…in France, Great Britain, in Europe,…
…I will tell you my opinion about/on this topic
…to watch this video
…the most famous topic
…last week I met (with) my friends NOT: me
…the president had known that the plane would crash into the building GONZ VABEI/Vorher
…the pope is also said to be a member of Opus Dei
…black people have been discriminated against…I think aliens don’t exist in our universe but maybe in another one
…Why did they have to die?
…I believe that because I don’t think that… - to believe in God – to have a strong belief…we all know that after the Japanese air strike on the American dock the USA started to fight…
…they didn’t do anything about the Nazis
…everybody should have a personal opiniona opinion on one’s own Not: own opinion!
…when the attack happened George Bush was in a grade/elementary school and left the class 15 minutes later
…JFK went by car NOT: drove
…only one video was published
…they didn’t want to have a black vice president
…nobody could make such a perfect circle in such a short time
my opinion is that – in my opinion/view…this is a too sad and harmless word for this day
…the British authorities had her embalmed
…the government had known about the attack
…at the funeral, everyone wanted to say “Good Bye” – a lot of people will never forget him/her
…nobody knows it
…Why did she die so early?
…when I go out at night
there are so many rumours
…now I will tell you about the moon landing / landing on the moon
…but the film was made on Area 51
…Henri Paul lost control of the car
….Opus Dei says if you are a sinner, you should be punished
…because after 9/11 we are being watched by the state
no comma before that!!!!!!!!
…there are a lot of/ there are lots of conspiracy theories
…everybody has to choose on one’s one if it is true or false
…the bullet changed directions
…in the Iraq there is a lot of oil
…there is a connection between these two events/incidents
on TV there is …
…they didn’t have enough time

Feedback Alcohol

…Here in Austria we have/there is…
…learn to deal with, cope with alcohol … (damit umgehen lernen)
at our age we can take care about ourselves… Or: to look/take care after oneself
…to have a good view about… (eine Meinung haben)
…to have a good/ marvellous view on the village …(eine perfekte Sicht haben)
…in my view … (meiner Meinung nach), my view about this topic is…
...there are a few people (einige, wenige!)
…you should write an appropriate ending of your text
…children at 13 or 14/ at the age of…
…also the introduction was very good – you did your job very well (WIA?)
…I think the text is very good
…a strikter age limit would be suitable…
…a great beginning and a very good ending
a happy ending- Attention: FALSE FRIEND!
…there are some little mistakes (not liddle – as the Americans say!!!)
…I should also tell you… (sollte)

A S A (sometimes) P O(Wos) A(Wia, Wo, Won)
I always go swimming (wo?) with my friends (Wia)/ to the lake(Wo)/ when the weather is fine (Won)

…so they are drunk (they drink) more often than other teenagers in other countries
…I think in Raumberg there are ….
Wörtlich: in Raumberg dort gibt es – klingt komisch – ist aber so!
…it is a pity that those kids get alcohol so easily
…youth today says that life is…– the young people say …
…the biggest reason is… prevent young people from doing something (vor etwas bewahren) have written,
...look at ... means something different! :) to look after....take care about sth!

Nice mistakes!

…there were explosions during the buildings were crashing down…
…this is another question to be widely discussed in the future
…Why did she die?
…the strange happenings had political reasons
…in reality politics is a big fake BUT: foreign/ agricultural policy
…to show that this had been planned (Past Perfect Tense: gonz vorbei: vor der PAST TENSE)
…there are many pictures on the internet showing/which show that….
at this time
…theory – theories
…but on the mood there is no wind
…to inform yourself about it – to inform somebody about something
…I didn’t know what the night would bring
…the government is responsible for these tragic happenings
there are many conspiracy theories in the world/ gives you the feeling of being weak… es gibt dir das Gefühl...
…they are still sleeping
…a couple/love (SAY LAV!!!) / BUT: a pair of shoes
…there was a lot of asbestos in the building
…she was going to deliver a baby (bekommen)
Normally: to deliver a letter, pizza,…!
…to prove sth. ( beweisen) – the proof of sth. (der Beweis)
…the descendants (Nachkommen) of Jesus are still alive, some people think
ancestors (Vorfahren)
The Last Supper (das letzte Abendmahl)
…Oh God let us pray to thee! (old form of the Gemanic word DU! – Shakespearean language!

…Now I will tell you (about) sth. …ICH WERDE!!!
…Now I want to tell you (about) sth. …ICH WILL!!!
…Now I would like to tell you (about) sth …ICH WÜRDE GERNE!!!

…it happened in 1968
…these theories are mostly very strange

…Why did he do that! PAST
…Why does he do that? PRESENT
…Why has he done that? (Auswirkung/ Schoas)
…Why have they done it/that? (Auswirkung/ Schoas)
…Why had he done it? (Gonz Vabei)
…Why will he do it?

…persons – very formal – better: there were many people in the pub!
…the renovation would have been too expensive (wäre zu teuer gewesen!)
…I had my appendix operated on (ich bin am Blinddarm operiert worden)
…operating theatre … (Operationssaal)

to have somehing done... etwas machen lassen
I will have my hair cut … 3. Form! (ich werde meine Haare schneiden lassen)
…I´m having my car repaired …(mein Auto ist gerade in der Werkstatt)

…she wanted to take her life because … she wanted to commit suicide
…let us now talk about… something totally different
…and now to something totally different (quote: Monty Python :)

Great mistakes!

…it looks real (es ist real) - it is reality
…it is really good (wirklich)
…plane (Flugzeug) – plain (eindeutig, offensichtlich, eben, Flachland) – plan (der Plan)
…map (Landkarte, Plan, Stadtplan)
sea (das Meer) – to see (sehen) - the lake (der See) – a pond (Teich)
…I like to listen to music, I listen to the radio … I hear every kind of music
…to do it well (WIA?) … she does it well
…this is only something for older people
…my older sister / my elderly sister (this is not nice!!!!)
…we meet very often NOT: meet us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
…we will meet at …(time and place)
…we see/ meet each other very often
…in this song the rhythm is cool … I like classical music … I play a musical instrument
…alpine pasture (die Alm)
…it is a great mystery – it is very mysterious…safe (sicher, in Sicherheit), to put your money into a safe
…to save (jemanden retten), to save money (Geld sparen)
…Latin/Greek Plural: phenomenon… phenomena, medium … the mediaat the same time (zur gleichen Zeit)
…please stop crying (schreien, weinen Gerund ing!) weep (weinen), screaming (schreien)

Register is important when you say something:
Please can you tell me - where is the loo? …very colloquial (umgangssprachlich)
Excuse me Sir, where is the toilet please?
Excuse me Sir, where can I wash my hands?

…the Middle Ages … medieval times = Mittelalter
…Roman/Celtic Times, in Romanicism, … the Early Modern Period
on the countryside - to be in the country

PLEASE DON`T SAY: I like to be in the nature!!!! It’s not possible in English!!!!
Better : I like to be outside, ...
…neighbouring country/village … Nachbarstaat/ Nachbarort
at night, at school (in der Schule!!!!!) to be at school!!!!
…it is beautifully situated in the middle of the country … (wunderschön gelegen)
…this is a big question/ an important question BUT: this is a pig :)

Our best mistakes!

…to legalize or legalise drugs
…they have a very high standard of living (Lebensstandard)
…to be strictly against it/sth.
technology (Technik, Technologie) BUT: you have a good skiing technique
…they’ll lose their jobs lose, lost. lost BUT: loose (lose, wackelig,…)
…suicide rate – to commit suicide (Selbstmord begehen)
…Monday, February, in winter, in summer, in the First World War or WWI, Green Day
…I go to university (say ju) – so: a university BUT: an exercise (a,e,i,o,u)
…the – Bitte wenig Artikel verwenden!!!!!
…the USA, the government wants to reduce…
whether (ob) … the question arises if to whether this is a good idea… die Frage erhebt sich
BUT: we are having nice weather at the moment, isn’t it?
whirlpool (Stromschnelle) Jacuzzi (der Whirlpool)
standing ovation!, No plural!
mobile/cell phone (das Handy) handy means: handlich
tuxedo, dinner suit (der Smoking)
… he has a negative side But: camping site (Campingplatz)
….football site/ground/ pitch Attention: NOT: bitch!!!!
…Wirtshaus: pub, inn, restaurant BUT NOT: local!!!! means örtlich! the local hero/ heroes
…discriminate (between) … unterscheiden
…to discriminate against … diskriminieren
to be discriminated against … diskriminiert werden!
it’s …it is
BUT: its (sein, seine, seinen)
e.g. Every dog has its day (Auch ein blindes Huhn findet einmal ein Korn)
Please don´t translate proverbs!!!!!!
…from … I come from Carinthia/ Vienna, Styria, Tyrol, the Burgenland, Upper/Lower Austria, ..
…it’s a picture form my sister = you got it from your sister
…BUT: it´s a picture of my sister! ... she is on it - take a photo Not: make!!!!! just what you make/produce with your hands!!!!
…we are going through hard times …. harte Zeiten durchmachen
…to throw/ threw/thrown ….werfen, warf, geworfen
…omnipresent poverty … allgegenwärtige Armut
…address .. die Adresse, interesting, nonsense, before, cigarette, negative, always, …
…she is beautiful…. She sings beautifully (WIA?) , wonderful, helpful, ... But: to be full of sth.
No ly with: fell, taste, look, stay, seem, remain,…
to find out easily (adverb WIA?)

data, furniture, cattle, information, advice (but to advise), fish,…
some words have the Latin Plural: e.g. medium … the media (die Medien)

Present Tense 3. Person Se.g. England wants to…BUT: they want

…it is fun … the party was great fun!
Funny … komisch, lächerlich… a funny dress, a fancy dress party
…es gibt: there is/ there are ….
it gives you the feeling of being strong ... es gibt dir das Gefühl...
…this … Plural these
…that … Plural those (zeitlich, räumlich weiter weg)
…to go by bus BUT: to drive a car (lenken)
…they have many problems
…they have much trouble NO: troubles but: the troubles of life! The Troubles in Ireland!
…this is quite ok (ok) BUT: the street is quiet (leise, still,…)
…this is the opinion of the people on the street
…meaning … (Bedeutung) … she means everything to me!
BUT: in my opinion, I think, I blieve (AE)
…handsome boys – beautiful girls
…outgoing – kontaktfreudig BUT: they are often going out
…to begin with… at the beginning … in the end (schlussendlich),
...Finally, they managed to ...
…there was a happy ending – the end ...
…for example, for instance … Aufzählungen
…know – no –now
…drug dealer ...Wörter immer trennen! No: Donaudampfschifffartskapitän in English!
…money (Geld) – currency (Währung) – to pay cash
…to wear trousers
…to carry a suitcase
…country (das Land e.g. Austria) … land (Grund und Boden) … state (Bundsland, der Staat)
…sensible…vernünftig – sensitive … sensible, empfindsam
…to betray… im Stich lassen, preisgeben: Judas betrayed Jesus
…factory (Fabrik) – fabric (Struktur eines Stoffes)
…at a farm (Bauernhof) – agriculture is important (die Landwirtschaft)
…bei: at my aunt’s (house) NOT: by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
…at my girlfriend’s (house)
…a aunt of my mother – my mother´s aunt
…ant - Ameise the middle of the picture there is ...
Im Englischen wörtlich: in der Mitte des Bildes DORT ist! Klingt komisch - ist aber so :)!

Romeo and Juliet

…they hate each other NOT: themselves!!!
anotherat 16
…the most famous story
…family/ families AFTER consonats e.g. l,k,f, ...BUT: boys AFTER vowels a,e,i,o,u!
in my opinion
…enemy/ enemies
…to pay attention to sth.
…the two main characters are / actors (Schauspieler)
…in these/ those days
…a play by Shakespeare
…Tybalt reacts violently (WIA?)
…Let me give you a word of advice / to advise somebody/ some tips
…too quickly
…you can’t do this
at school
…you get more and more work /homework
…BUT: works of art (Kunstwerke) e.g. the works of Shakespeare, Mozart, etc.
…one boy, two boys, the boy’s girl, the boys´ girls
…this is completely normal
…type of stress
…she has (got) red hair
…this is nonsense
death is cruel/ the dog is dead/ to die, she died
…to see/ watch a movie (AE), a film (BE) ... to go to the movies (AE)
…this is really great
…fate (Schicksal), faith (der Glaube) have faith in somthing
…to believe in God; he has a strong belief
…they have been fighting for/since generations

Attention:for/since = signal words for the
PRESENT PERFECT TENSE (have/has & 3.Form) (SCHOAS! :)

…they get married secretly (WIA?)
…there are 4 types of stress
it gives you the feeling of being strong
he/she/it & S


in the past
…to have problems at school
…he doesn’t know the fun of doing something (going out, etc.)
… this is no easy time in your life
…let me give you some tips/ some pieces of advice BUT: to advise somebody
…try to think about other things
…you have no time thinking about/ no time doing sth…
…don´t make the same mistakes
make (eigentliche nur wenn man etwas mit der Hand herstellt, macht)
…to do an exam/ you have to do your homework
…every teenager has problems – teenagers have problems
…I am sitting in the classroom / to go to school/ to be at school
another important aspect is
… you feel this kind of stress when you are doing….
…doing sports/ at sport
…bank (Bankinstitut) – bench (Sitzbank)
…to do things well (WIA?) - ly!!!!!
…to eat at Mc Donald´s
…let’s take a look at Africa
…he lets things slide … Er lässt den lieben Gott einen guten Mann sein
little money (wenig Geld) – less (weniger) – least (am …)
…everybody in the world knows ….
…this year/ these years
…when you go to the police/ police are there
PAST: police were there
police are/were investigating the case /the murder (Mord)
and will find the murderer (Mörder) soon
…the little black boy smiled at me
… it’s the beginning of the era of Barack Obama
…can we help these counties in another way?
…there is/ this is/ too much stress
…to study for a test (at) the last minute But: you learn for life/ you learn skiing
…many sport activities which/that…
…my girlfriend who/that…
…at these times/ in those days/ at the time of my grandparents
…to be there on time (pünktlich) – to be there in time (rechtzeitig)
…it doesn’t matter if you do…
…to think about two things
…to lack concentration at work
BUT: concentrated apple juice (Konzentrat) NOT: I’m concentrated!!!!!!
I am very focused on the work I have to do
…you search for information on the internet
for 40 years (40 Jahre lang) – 40 years ago (vor 40 Jahren)
…he is an African-American
…on the one hand it is…. but on the other hand…
…the Americans are very good people
…a people (ein Volk) BUT: there were many people in the pub
…he was born on the 2nd (of) August in 1961
…what can we do about stress? What can we do about the problem? …about it?
…we have so much time to do that…
… policeman – policemen
… we go to school/ we attend school But: we visit (our) grandma!
… I´m interest in politics (Politik allgemein)
agricultural/foreign policy (Agrar/Außenpolitik)
minister of foreign affairs (Aussenminister)
in the USA (= Secretary of State=Hillary Clinton)
…everybody in the world knows/ there are many people who know
…he is a real expert/specialist in the field of agriculture
…when I was at your age…
…African-Americans/ foreigners are often discriminated against, also in Europe
.. this is an important issue/topic (das Thema) BUT: theme only in literature!
…figures: to be good at figures (er kann gut mit Zahlen umgehen)

This and that

…to drink
to be drunk (adv.)– betunken (adj)… drunken: a drunken party!)
…dead drunk – sinnlos betrunken
…drunk as hell – stockbetrunken
…to get drunk – sich betrinken
…drunk as a lord – voll blau
…drunk/drunken driving – Alkohol
…knee-walking drunk – AE – voll blau

drunken (adj.)…drunken bet – Wette im Suff
…drunken woman
…drowning – ertrinken

…it´s ok to drink a pint of beer at the age of 16
…Great BritainWrong: And so that are very often problems. ….Right: So there are often many problemsWrong: Nobody of our teacher say anything. Right: of your teachers says……I think it isn’t OK when an educators go in a bar do drink something with their friends and see other students drinking something and then they say/tell it the other educators

Wrong: Now I’ll tell about the alcoholic problem in Austria. Better. problem of …. /drinking problemWrong: In many discos there are which under 16 and drink beer or other alcoholic drinks. Better: there are teenagers…one teenager –two teenagers!
Wrong: isn´t so much interesting because you are at 16 allowed to drink a beer. Better: at 16 you are allowed to … Better: at 16 you are allowed...

Subject – Predicate – OBJECT(=WOS) - WIA – WO – WON?

...Wrong: So have nearly the half of Better: nearly half of the people have…

… It is so strange that they get alcohol so easily! WIA (…ly)!
…everybody has a different opinion about alcohol.
Wrong: by the Landjugend (by is NOT bei!!!!!!) Better: when they were member of the LJ…for instance: beispielsweise
…wish (Wunsch) – which (welche/welcher) – witch (Hexe)
…In conclusion,
…many of these cool children take drugs
…drink alcohol illegally at home
…every country has forbidden and legal drugs
Wrong: At Raumberg the nearly the whole people at school drinks spirits by the Lemmerer . ...Better: At Raumberg nearly all students drink some beer at Lemmerer`s… the Romans, the Celts and the Vikings
Wrong: Our reflexes are not in order and we get tired. Better: become slower
…some people are binge drinkers
…I will tell you about…. Ich werde…I want to tell you about something … -wollen: ich will euch darüber erzählen


Error File 2a, 2b,1s Alcohol

….it was the middle of the night, in the middle of the night
at night
at the age of, at 15
to lose (verlieren)– loose (lose)
fun (Spaß) funny (komisch) like a clown!
to have fun, it was fun – the party was fun, to wear a funny dress
… to handle something (mit etwas fertig werden) to handle with care
… there (dort) – their (ihr)
… you have drunk / you are drunk/ to be drunk but: it was a drunken party,
…drink-drivers (hit-and-run drivers ? What does it mean?
… in Raumberg many students (pupils are smaller)
boarding school – Schülerheim
it´s (it is) but: its Every dog has its day!
little – less – least (wenig – weniger - …)
some people – a little people – little people kleine…
by (not bei!!!) with young people it is very dangerous…
from – only: I come from!!!!!
…to drink too much alcohol – I like it too – I also like it
… country – state – land
… in Austria, Green Day, The First World War
… country – countries, party – parties, but: boy – boys (a, e, I, o, u)
…then (dann) – than (größer als)
… nearly everybody drinks some alcohol now and then ... like he, she, it drinks
Das Thema: issue, topic, it’s a big issue but: theme only in literature!
… in other countries there are stricter age limits
… alcohol – why so many people love it?
… at Raumberg there are not so many problems
Finally, I want to mention that…
on tv

Wainting for Godot

  • … Inhaltsangaben/ plot in der PRESENT TENSE (oiwei!)
    Paragraphs/ indent
  • Wichtig bei der Suche mit dem Wörterbuch: im Englischen haben Wörte oft mehr oder andere Bedeutungen: e.g. victim/sacrifice GENAU SUCHEN UND double check!

  • he translated it into English himself

  • this character - these two characters

  • no comma before that

  • at school

  • before

  • racist – racism

  • get – become: to get money - to become famous

  • speak, tell, say

  • in the second act

  • an interpretation of this play – I come from Austria

  • then: dann – than: größer als

  • it was written originally in French

  • to lose – lost – lost (verlieren) but: loose: nicht festgemacht

  • to find a job

  • to believe in God / to have a strong belief

  • life (noun) 2 lives but: to live, he lives

  • Godot doesn’t appear in the play

  • they are too stupid to go
    they don’t do anything about their bad situation (it)

  • death (noun) – dead: death is cruel – he is dead

  • want – wollen but: will: werden,

  • they wait and wait – they hope that Godot will come

  • to do the job well (wia?)

  • at night

  • leave – left – left

  • they meet (each other) near a tree

  • he lived during the war

  • Eigennamen: First World War, WWI, etc.

  • to sit – sitting, to come - coming

  • come to grips with one´s life (sein Leben meistern)