Feedback Alcohol

…Here in Austria we have/there is…
…learn to deal with, cope with alcohol … (damit umgehen lernen)
at our age we can take care about ourselves… Or: to look/take care after oneself
…to have a good view about… (eine Meinung haben)
…to have a good/ marvellous view on the village …(eine perfekte Sicht haben)
…in my view … (meiner Meinung nach), my view about this topic is…
...there are a few people (einige, wenige!)
…you should write an appropriate ending of your text
…children at 13 or 14/ at the age of…
…also the introduction was very good – you did your job very well (WIA?)
…I think the text is very good
…a strikter age limit would be suitable…
…a great beginning and a very good ending
a happy ending- Attention: FALSE FRIEND!
…there are some little mistakes (not liddle – as the Americans say!!!)
…I should also tell you… (sollte)

A S A (sometimes) P O(Wos) A(Wia, Wo, Won)
I always go swimming (wo?) with my friends (Wia)/ to the lake(Wo)/ when the weather is fine (Won)

…so they are drunk (they drink) more often than other teenagers in other countries
…I think in Raumberg there are ….
Wörtlich: in Raumberg dort gibt es – klingt komisch – ist aber so!
…it is a pity that those kids get alcohol so easily
…youth today says that life is…– the young people say …
…the biggest reason is… prevent young people from doing something (vor etwas bewahren) have written,
...look at ... means something different! :) to look after....take care about sth!

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