
Conspiracy theories

… but on the moon there is no wind
…in Austria there are also some conspiracy theories
…you go through a dark wood BUT: throw –threw –thrown (werfen)
…more than one man shot at him
…then they took the chance and attacked Afghanistan
…they can find something bad about you
…to come to the public … (öffentlich werden)
…to fly to the moon
…Mr. Kalss decided to bother us with this task (behelligen)
to catch – caught – caught ---- to be caught…a theory – those theories --- a conspiracy theory – conspiracy theories
…but there are a lot of other conspiracy theories for example about 9/11
…the question arise why they did nothing about it – why they didn’t do anything about it
…there are so many theories
on the internet
…very strange, isn´t it! Not: or?
…Rudolf Hess went Not: moved (umziehen)
…America just needed a reason to start a war in Afghanistan and Iraq
…in France, Great Britain, in Europe,…
…I will tell you my opinion about/on this topic
…to watch this video
…the most famous topic
…last week I met (with) my friends NOT: me
…the president had known that the plane would crash into the building GONZ VABEI/Vorher
…the pope is also said to be a member of Opus Dei
…black people have been discriminated against…I think aliens don’t exist in our universe but maybe in another one
…Why did they have to die?
…I believe that because I don’t think that… - to believe in God – to have a strong belief…we all know that after the Japanese air strike on the American dock the USA started to fight…
…they didn’t do anything about the Nazis
…everybody should have a personal opiniona opinion on one’s own Not: own opinion!
…when the attack happened George Bush was in a grade/elementary school and left the class 15 minutes later
…JFK went by car NOT: drove
…only one video was published
…they didn’t want to have a black vice president
…nobody could make such a perfect circle in such a short time
my opinion is that – in my opinion/view…this is a too sad and harmless word for this day
…the British authorities had her embalmed
…the government had known about the attack
…at the funeral, everyone wanted to say “Good Bye” – a lot of people will never forget him/her
…nobody knows it
…Why did she die so early?
…when I go out at night
there are so many rumours
…now I will tell you about the moon landing / landing on the moon
…but the film was made on Area 51
…Henri Paul lost control of the car
….Opus Dei says if you are a sinner, you should be punished
…because after 9/11 we are being watched by the state
no comma before that!!!!!!!!
…there are a lot of/ there are lots of conspiracy theories
…everybody has to choose on one’s one if it is true or false
…the bullet changed directions
…in the Iraq there is a lot of oil
…there is a connection between these two events/incidents
on TV there is …
…they didn’t have enough time


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