Wainting for Godot

  • … Inhaltsangaben/ plot in der PRESENT TENSE (oiwei!)
    Paragraphs/ indent
  • Wichtig bei der Suche mit dem Wörterbuch: im Englischen haben Wörte oft mehr oder andere Bedeutungen: e.g. victim/sacrifice GENAU SUCHEN UND double check!

  • he translated it into English himself

  • this character - these two characters

  • no comma before that

  • at school

  • before

  • racist – racism

  • get – become: to get money - to become famous

  • speak, tell, say

  • in the second act

  • an interpretation of this play – I come from Austria

  • then: dann – than: größer als

  • it was written originally in French

  • to lose – lost – lost (verlieren) but: loose: nicht festgemacht

  • to find a job

  • to believe in God / to have a strong belief

  • life (noun) 2 lives but: to live, he lives

  • Godot doesn’t appear in the play

  • they are too stupid to go
    they don’t do anything about their bad situation (it)

  • death (noun) – dead: death is cruel – he is dead

  • want – wollen but: will: werden,

  • they wait and wait – they hope that Godot will come

  • to do the job well (wia?)

  • at night

  • leave – left – left

  • they meet (each other) near a tree

  • he lived during the war

  • Eigennamen: First World War, WWI, etc.

  • to sit – sitting, to come - coming

  • come to grips with one´s life (sein Leben meistern)

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