Nice mistakes!

…there were explosions during the buildings were crashing down…
…this is another question to be widely discussed in the future
…Why did she die?
…the strange happenings had political reasons
…in reality politics is a big fake BUT: foreign/ agricultural policy
…to show that this had been planned (Past Perfect Tense: gonz vorbei: vor der PAST TENSE)
…there are many pictures on the internet showing/which show that….
at this time
…theory – theories
…but on the mood there is no wind
…to inform yourself about it – to inform somebody about something
…I didn’t know what the night would bring
…the government is responsible for these tragic happenings
there are many conspiracy theories in the world/ gives you the feeling of being weak… es gibt dir das Gefühl...
…they are still sleeping
…a couple/love (SAY LAV!!!) / BUT: a pair of shoes
…there was a lot of asbestos in the building
…she was going to deliver a baby (bekommen)
Normally: to deliver a letter, pizza,…!
…to prove sth. ( beweisen) – the proof of sth. (der Beweis)
…the descendants (Nachkommen) of Jesus are still alive, some people think
ancestors (Vorfahren)
The Last Supper (das letzte Abendmahl)
…Oh God let us pray to thee! (old form of the Gemanic word DU! – Shakespearean language!

…Now I will tell you (about) sth. …ICH WERDE!!!
…Now I want to tell you (about) sth. …ICH WILL!!!
…Now I would like to tell you (about) sth …ICH WÜRDE GERNE!!!

…it happened in 1968
…these theories are mostly very strange

…Why did he do that! PAST
…Why does he do that? PRESENT
…Why has he done that? (Auswirkung/ Schoas)
…Why have they done it/that? (Auswirkung/ Schoas)
…Why had he done it? (Gonz Vabei)
…Why will he do it?

…persons – very formal – better: there were many people in the pub!
…the renovation would have been too expensive (wäre zu teuer gewesen!)
…I had my appendix operated on (ich bin am Blinddarm operiert worden)
…operating theatre … (Operationssaal)

to have somehing done... etwas machen lassen
I will have my hair cut … 3. Form! (ich werde meine Haare schneiden lassen)
…I´m having my car repaired …(mein Auto ist gerade in der Werkstatt)

…she wanted to take her life because … she wanted to commit suicide
…let us now talk about… something totally different
…and now to something totally different (quote: Monty Python :)

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