Great mistakes!

…it looks real (es ist real) - it is reality
…it is really good (wirklich)
…plane (Flugzeug) – plain (eindeutig, offensichtlich, eben, Flachland) – plan (der Plan)
…map (Landkarte, Plan, Stadtplan)
sea (das Meer) – to see (sehen) - the lake (der See) – a pond (Teich)
…I like to listen to music, I listen to the radio … I hear every kind of music
…to do it well (WIA?) … she does it well
…this is only something for older people
…my older sister / my elderly sister (this is not nice!!!!)
…we meet very often NOT: meet us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
…we will meet at …(time and place)
…we see/ meet each other very often
…in this song the rhythm is cool … I like classical music … I play a musical instrument
…alpine pasture (die Alm)
…it is a great mystery – it is very mysterious…safe (sicher, in Sicherheit), to put your money into a safe
…to save (jemanden retten), to save money (Geld sparen)
…Latin/Greek Plural: phenomenon… phenomena, medium … the mediaat the same time (zur gleichen Zeit)
…please stop crying (schreien, weinen Gerund ing!) weep (weinen), screaming (schreien)

Register is important when you say something:
Please can you tell me - where is the loo? …very colloquial (umgangssprachlich)
Excuse me Sir, where is the toilet please?
Excuse me Sir, where can I wash my hands?

…the Middle Ages … medieval times = Mittelalter
…Roman/Celtic Times, in Romanicism, … the Early Modern Period
on the countryside - to be in the country

PLEASE DON`T SAY: I like to be in the nature!!!! It’s not possible in English!!!!
Better : I like to be outside, ...
…neighbouring country/village … Nachbarstaat/ Nachbarort
at night, at school (in der Schule!!!!!) to be at school!!!!
…it is beautifully situated in the middle of the country … (wunderschön gelegen)
…this is a big question/ an important question BUT: this is a pig :)

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