This and that

…to drink
to be drunk (adv.)– betunken (adj)… drunken: a drunken party!)
…dead drunk – sinnlos betrunken
…drunk as hell – stockbetrunken
…to get drunk – sich betrinken
…drunk as a lord – voll blau
…drunk/drunken driving – Alkohol
…knee-walking drunk – AE – voll blau

drunken (adj.)…drunken bet – Wette im Suff
…drunken woman
…drowning – ertrinken

…it´s ok to drink a pint of beer at the age of 16
…Great BritainWrong: And so that are very often problems. ….Right: So there are often many problemsWrong: Nobody of our teacher say anything. Right: of your teachers says……I think it isn’t OK when an educators go in a bar do drink something with their friends and see other students drinking something and then they say/tell it the other educators

Wrong: Now I’ll tell about the alcoholic problem in Austria. Better. problem of …. /drinking problemWrong: In many discos there are which under 16 and drink beer or other alcoholic drinks. Better: there are teenagers…one teenager –two teenagers!
Wrong: isn´t so much interesting because you are at 16 allowed to drink a beer. Better: at 16 you are allowed to … Better: at 16 you are allowed...

Subject – Predicate – OBJECT(=WOS) - WIA – WO – WON?

...Wrong: So have nearly the half of Better: nearly half of the people have…

… It is so strange that they get alcohol so easily! WIA (…ly)!
…everybody has a different opinion about alcohol.
Wrong: by the Landjugend (by is NOT bei!!!!!!) Better: when they were member of the LJ…for instance: beispielsweise
…wish (Wunsch) – which (welche/welcher) – witch (Hexe)
…In conclusion,
…many of these cool children take drugs
…drink alcohol illegally at home
…every country has forbidden and legal drugs
Wrong: At Raumberg the nearly the whole people at school drinks spirits by the Lemmerer . ...Better: At Raumberg nearly all students drink some beer at Lemmerer`s… the Romans, the Celts and the Vikings
Wrong: Our reflexes are not in order and we get tired. Better: become slower
…some people are binge drinkers
…I will tell you about…. Ich werde…I want to tell you about something … -wollen: ich will euch darüber erzählen

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